
rhetoric, communications, marriage, myth


Communication | Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Ethnicity in Communication


Using a rhetorical perspective, specifically Kenneth Burke's understanding of myths as "forward looking partisanships," this essay explores the mythic story of Turandot and its relationship to love, power, and companionate marriage.1 First, Burke’s understanding of myth is outlined and connected to the history and travels of Turandot. Then, a detailed rhetorical analysis of the 1998 PBS video of Puccini's opera performed at the Forbidden City, Beijing, suggests why the Turandot myth seems to appear in certain places and moments, and what it might have offered to audiences, in this instance, on a spiritual level.

Original Citation

Peterson, V. (2014). Mythic Rhetoric: Love, Power, and Companionate Marriage in Puccini’s Turandot. 52, 20–35
