"An Interdisciplinary Team Approach to the Patient-Centered Medical Hom" by Katie M. Alfredson

Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Nursing (D.N.P.)

Degree Program

College of Nursing

First Advisor

Cynthia McCurren

Second Advisor

Dianne Conrad

Third Advisor

Timothy Syfert

Fourth Advisor

Alan Conrad


In an attempt to address the shortcomings of the current U.S. healthcare system, reimbursement structure is changing from fee-for-service to a value-based model. This requires drastic change in how care is delivered. Therefore, care delivery models and reimbursement incentive programs are evolving to promote advancements in care delivery. This project examined an interdisciplinary team model utilized at a rural, privately owned practice that is a Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH). This practice has incorporated unique structures and processes to attain Stage 2 Meaningful Use requirements in the first year attesting for this stage became available as a means of addressing shortcomings within the current healthcare system. An understanding of this model was obtained through informal interviews, observation, shadowing staff members, and a comparison of Stage 2 attainment between the Clinic and national data. This project found high quality care is delivered through the structures and processes in place at this Clinic resulting in a greater proportion of Stage 2 attainment within the Clinic compared to national data regarding similar providers. In doing so, this model has not only obtained enhanced reimbursement but has also experienced improved patient outcomes. Nurses were found to be an integral part of this team, necessary for the success of Stage 2 attainment and optimizing patient outcomes. As reimbursement continues to evolve to promote improved quality and outcomes, to remain viable, U.S. care delivery must adapt. As this model has seen success, a toolkit was developed containing documents that can be used in replicating this interdisciplinary team model in other primary care sites. This toolkit can be used to assist other primary care practices progress to meet the demands of reimbursement reform.


The accompanying toolkit to this article can be found at http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/dissertations/36/
