"Physical Activity Assessment and Intervention among Adult Patients at " by Michelle L. VanDenToorn

Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Nursing (D.N.P.)

Degree Program

College of Nursing

First Advisor

Cynthia Coviak

Second Advisor

Amy Manderscheid

Third Advisor

Thomas Sanchez

Fourth Advisor

Michael Shoemaker


Low levels of physical activity are associated with a number of serious health conditions in adults. These conditions include hypertension, diabetes, certain types of cancers, cardiovascular disease, and an increased risk of mortality. In spite of these serious health risks, few adults in the United States are achieving the recommended levels of physical activity. The diseases associated with low physical activity levels contribute to high healthcare costs.

Healthcare providers claim that they are not aware of available interventions and resources to increase physical activity levels in their patients. Through screening patients for physical activity levels during office visits, providers can offer interventions to patients who are not achieving recommended physical activity levels. Through providing education to staff on physical activity screening and increasing providers’ knowledge of available interventions, more patients may receive interventions related to physical activity.

Screening was performed using the General Practitioner’s Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPPAQ). The results of the questionnaire were used to help the provider to determine if the patient needed a physical activity intervention. Interventions included referral to a community health worker for help finding physical activity resources and education/counseling. The project found that PA screening could be successfully incorporated into the primary care office visit at the project site. Over 80% of eligible patients were screened. Twelve of the fifteen screened patients who were less than active received an intervention. Referral to the community health worker was not successful as many patients did not attend appointments.
