Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants
"Effectiveness of the LOSE BIG Challenge, a Culturally-based, Inner-City Weight Loss Program"
Biomedical Sciences
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Date Range
Medicine and Health Sciences
Background: Inner-city communities are disproportionately impacted by obesity, and chronic disease. The LOSE BIG Challenge is a physical activity and nutrition education program offered to inner-city Grand Rapids, MI residents with diabetes or hypertension. Methods: Twenty-eight participants in a 12-week culturally-based weight loss program were studied. Before and after the intervention, weight, blood pressure, fasting glucose, eating behaviors, and quality of life scores were measured. Participants were followed 4 and 6 months post intervention. Results: At baseline, 86% of the participants were obese (BMI >30 kg/m2). Of the 17 participants who attended the pre- and post-screening, 47% had fasting glucose e 100 mg/dl and 70.5% had blood pressure e 120/80 mm Hg. At the 12-week post-screening, 29% had fasting glucose e 100 mg/dl, while blood pressure remained unchanged. Female participants lost an average of 3.0 kg, 3.4 kg and 4.4 kg at 12 weeks (n=15 ), 4 months (n=13 ) and 6 months (n=14 ), respectively. The men lost an average of 12.1 kg (n=2), 12.2 kg (n=1) and 15.0 kg (n=1). Quality of life scores improved and cognitive restraint scores increased while emotional eating, uncontrolled eating and inhibition scores decreased. Women exhibited a decrease in mean BMI and increase in mean cognitive restraint and quality of life scores from baseline to 6 months (p
Conference Name
Obesity 30th Annual Scientific Meeting
Conference Location
San Antonio, Texas
ScholarWorks Citation
Lown, Debbie; Hall, Julie; and Anderson, Kirk, ""Effectiveness of the LOSE BIG Challenge, a Culturally-based, Inner-City Weight Loss Program"" (2013). Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants. 1147.