Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants
ranslations and Adaptations: The Antona GarcÃa Project
Honors College
Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies
Date Range
Arts and Humanities
Tirso de Molina classical Spanish play Antona GarcÃa ends with the title character headed into battle with Ferdinand and Isabella army against the Portuguese declaring that Esto es solo la mitade, / y el poeta que lo ha escrito / guarda para la otra media/ muchos casos pelegrinos. What this meant was that was that although the play was ending, that it wasn t over, and that the author would have a sequel Antona of Toro, with even more dangerous and exciting adventures. Unfortunately, if Tirso wrote it, no one knows of it. This leaves Antona GarcÃa without a real dramatic ending, without a resolution to the plot and characters developed to that point. Perhaps this is why there are no known productions, although there must have been. Translating Antona GarcÃa for a new production for a present day audience on a modern stage means solving the ending. For this paper, discuss the translation and adaptation of Antona GarcÃa performed at Grand Valley in April 2012 and at the Siglo de Oro Spanish Drama Festival in El Paso, Texas in March 2012. Translating involves more than choosing words to convey the same meaning from one language to another. For this play it means translating past theatre practices to the present; as it is a play, it also involves translating words on a page into stage performance; and it means compromising the literal for the acceptable and relevant.
Conference Name
HERA 2013 Conference Sacred Sites, Secular Spaces: Scenes, Sounds, and Signs in Humanistic, Artistic, and Technological Culture
Conference Location
Houston, Texas
ScholarWorks Citation
Bell, James, "ranslations and Adaptations: The Antona GarcÃa Project" (2013). Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants. 1261.