Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants

Classroom Research: Prediction Questions in the Elementary Classroom




College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Date Range



The mathematical knowledge needed for teaching in elementary schools is a multi-faceted paradigm that requires a solid understanding of the mathematical content and a firm grasp of pedagogical methodologies. Teachers also must possess the ability to understand students' thinking, and pose productive questions, while making important instructional decisions in the moment. There is a burgeoning concern among researchers, educators, and policymakers to develop teacher capacities through professional development, empowering teachers to use effective and instructional practices that will improve student learning and achievement. Incorporating prediction questions into mathematics lessons has been shown to have effectual results in the teaching and learning of mathematics. In this paper we share the preliminary results of a pilot study in which we investigated how the use of prediction questions might transfer from a mathematics-teaching professional development experience into the elementary mathematics classroom and serve as a catalyst for promoting reform-teaching practices.

Conference Name

Elementary Mathematics Teaching (SEMT'11)

Conference Location

Prague, Czech Republic

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