Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants

How do community based organizations ensure that refugee children are academically successful?


School of Education


College of Education

Date Range



Refugees face a number situations and challenges in their host countries. In addition to moving to a new country where the language may be different from that of their native countries, refugees have to adapt to a new way or style of life that may be totally foreign to them. In the samevein refugee children may be confronted to academic problems and social adaptation problems. In recent years, because of wars and various political strife in many countries the world over, a number of US cities have been welcoming refugees from these troubled countries. As a result of the increase number of refugees in the United States, many agencies have created structures that support and help these refugees adapt and cope with the new challenges. This paper focuses on the adaptation and transition programs for children entering academia in the United States. In other words, the paper deals with the specific programs that refugee institutions, have developed for refugee children in order to prepare them to enter US educational institutions, the support systems available during the academic year and during the summer holidays.

Conference Name

National Association for Bilingual Education 40th Conference 2011

Conference Location

New Orleans, LA

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