Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants
Trisecants of Polygonal Knots
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Date Range
Let K be a polygonal knot. A triple abc is a trisecant of K if a, b and c are points in K, no two of which lie on a common edge of K, that are collinear, in this order, in R^3. Fix x in K and let t_x denote the number of trisecants having x as a common point. We show that t_x >= (2cr(K)+1)/(3), where cr(K) is the minimal crossing number of K, when x is the ending point of the trisecants. If we let x appear not only as an end point but also as a middle point in the trisecants, we have conjectured that t_x >= cr(K). In this talk, we will present our progress towards proving this conjecture.
Conference Name
The 46th Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference
Conference Location
Mexico City, MX
ScholarWorks Citation
Ramirez-Rosas, Teresita, "Trisecants of Polygonal Knots" (2011). Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants. 319.