Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants

Reviving the Soul of Revolution: Rediscovering Leftist Spirituality




College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Date Range



The paper develops a critical analysis of social movements on the left and the right, using historical-comparative methods. While the right has sustained a consistent presence in US politics and culture, the left has faded almost entirely form view. Although common political interests with capitalist economic pursuits clearly plays a role, the paper focuses on the cultural and spiritual aspects, namely, that the right draws consistently from conservative evangelical Christianity or biological essentialism to maintain a coherent collective unity across generations. In contrast, the left has no spiritual or other transcendent motivation, and consequently it cannot sustain comparable levels of commitment or enthusiasm. In conclusion, the paper suggests possible foundations for a leftist spirituality.

Conference Name

Annual Meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society

Conference Location

Minneapolis, MN

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