Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants

Anti-human Trafficking Interagency Collaboration in a Mid-Western State: An Exploratory Study


School of Criminal Justice


College of Community and Public Service

Date Range



Social and Behavioral Sciences


Purpose: This paper seeks to fill the current knowledge gap concerning anti-human trafficking interagency collaboration by examining individuals and agencies engaged in anti-human trafficking efforts, the characteristics of such interagency collaborative activities, and the perceptions concerning the benefits and barriers of engaging in such collaborative exchanges. Methods: Utilizing an exploratory case-study research design, with a mid-western state as the case-site, descriptive statistical techniques, such as frequencies and percentages, were calculated to generate a general description of participant demographics, interagency collaborative characteristics, and participants perceptions of interagency collaborative exchanges. Chi-square and fishers exact tests were employed to analyze the data with respect to the relationship between formal group membership in an anti-human trafficking working group and interagency collaborative outcomes. Results: The findings observed indicate that while a positive collaborative environment was present, a collaborative infrastructure and strategic framework to support systematic and sustained collaborative exchanges was lacking. However, formal group membership in an anti-human trafficking working group enhanced collaborative activities. Conclusions: Policy implications and future research directions are discussed. NOTE: I applied for a CSCE Dissemination Grant last year to present this manuscript. I was awarded the grant, however, I did not utilize the grant because I did not attend the conference (I have email documentation that indicates that I informed CSCE of my non-utilization of the grant funds). I am applying for the grant this year to present the results of this manuscript which have not been presented before.

Conference Name

Criminology at the Intersections of Oppression

Conference Location

San Francisco, CA

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