Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants

The Effects of a Deliberate Practice Debriefing Model During a Response to Rescue Simulation: Preliminary Finding


Kirkhof College of Nursing


Kirkhof College of Nursing

Date Range



Medicine and Health Sciences


Failure to rescue is defined as an adverse event or a death that resulted from a healthcare providers inability to recognize or respond to a deteriorating patient condition (Clarke & Aiken, 2003; Silber, Williams, Krakauer & Schwartz,1992) and has been identified as one of sixteen patient safety indicators to be used to assess and improve patient safety in hospitals across the United States (Agency for Health Care Research and Quality, 2006). Registered Nurses are often the first professionals present when a patients condition deteriorates, thus must be prepared adequately to recognize and respond to the deterioration. According to Clarke and Aiken (2003), surveillance and taking action when life-threatening complications occur includes assessing patients frequently, attending to cues, recognizing complications, and taking action when life-threatening complications occur. This poster describes the design and preliminary results of an international, multi-site, randomized, controlled pre-test/post-test, repeated measures-design study of student performance during a response to rescue simulation. The study compared student nurse competency (knowledge and skills), learning retention, and perceived student support (for learning) after exposure to deliberate practice debriefing versus standardized debriefing. Students from each of four different schools in the United States and Canada were recruited and randomized into two groups; a control group and an intervention group. All students watched an expert video, experienced the Heart Failure Response to Rescue Simulation (Aronson, Glynn, & Squires, 2013), (Time 1), then returned four weeks later to repeat the simulation (Time 2). The students in the control group received traditional debriefing at the end of the 40 minute simulation while the students in the intervention group received deliberate practice debriefing every 20 minutes during the simulation. Student performance was measured using the Heart Failure Simulation Competency Evaluation Tool (HFSCET) at Time 1 and Time 2 while student satisfaction was measured with the Simulation Design Scale (NLN, 2005). Total and subscale scores on the HFSCET between the intervention group (deliberate practice debriefing) and the comparison group (standard debriefing) were compared. Preliminary results will be shared.

Conference Name

NLN/Elsevier Technology Conference

Conference Location

Nashville, TN

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