Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants
Motivating non-electrical and computer engineering students to learn C Programming
School of Engineering
Padnos College of Engineering and Computing
Date Range
All too often manufacturing and mechanical engineering students perceive computer programming as irrelevant to their studies. This is not surprising in that computer programming is taught almost exclusively with non-manufacturing examples. To address this problem a programming project was created for a freshman class. The project focused on a tolerance stack with a gap specification. The paper outlines the tolerance problem, core programming concepts, and the final solution. The programming assignment and a sample solution are provided in the appendices for reuse or modification for other engineering schools.
Conference Name
122nd ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Conference Location
Seattle, WA
ScholarWorks Citation
Baine, Nicholas and Jack, Hugh, "Motivating non-electrical and computer engineering students to learn C Programming" (2015). Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants. 668.