Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants

Examination of Adolescent Youth Sexual Attitudes 1988-2012 and


School of Criminal Justice


College of Community and Public Service

Date Range





First Paper Presentation: Many treatment programs for adolescent sexual offenders seek to reduce cognitive distortions, enhance sexual knowledge, and develop prosocial attitudes toward sexual behavior. Although many studies have examined typology, recidivism and risk, few studies have explore the changes of these sexual attitude through the years. This study examined the individual attitudes (e.g., sexuality, aggression, and criminality) and recidivism histories of male youths who were placed in an outpatient adolescent sex offenders treatment program between 1988-2012. The implications of these findings for research, theory, treatment, and risk assessment will be discussed. Second Paper Presentation: Youth mentoring programs have the power to positively impact at-risk youth. Over the years, there has been an increase in the number of mentoring programs designed to target children and youth. Nevertheless, most programs do not adequately prepare mentors to use their relationships to provide meaningful change and to connect with the youth/mentees. This paper will provide information on the effectiveness of a relational theory-based training program to prepare college students, involved in a mentoring youth at risk, to evaluate their understanding of what corrective experiences are needed to promote change in the youth they mentor.

Conference Name

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

Conference Location

Orlando Florida

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