Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants
Islamic Political Parties and Ballots: Structural Constraints for Electoral Successes
Area Studies
Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies
Date Range
Arts and Humanities
There are no political parties that have drawn more rigorous debate in the Muslim countries than modern Islamic political parties. Some of the scholarly literature tends to take a deterministic approach toward explaining the electoral outcomes of Islamic parties arguing that Islamists are inevitably within the reach of power either through democratic or non-democratic means. Such explanations ignore the fact that there is a variation within Islamic political parties with regard to their overall electoral performances in parliamentary elections across the Muslim World. Further, not all of them are doomed to failure if they participate in parliamentary elections. This study is an attempt to focus on a specific aspect of Islamic parties political participation, their electoral performances. To this end, the research addresses the following questions: Why does the overall electoral performance of Islamic political parties vary from one Muslim country to another? Under what macroeconomic and political conditions are Islamic political parties more likely to be successful in parliamentary elections? what impact do the political contexts in which Islamic parties operate and their strategic interactions have on their electoral outcomes?
Conference Name
The Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) Annual conference
Conference Location
Chicago, IL
ScholarWorks Citation
Gasim, Gamal, "Islamic Political Parties and Ballots: Structural Constraints for Electoral Successes" (2014). Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants. 914.