Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants

Development and Delivery of a Hybrid MSW Administration Supervision Course


School of Social Work


College of Community and Public Service

Date Range





This workshop will present the development and delivery of an MSW Administration and Supervision hybrid course. The participants will be informed of an integrated method of utilizing Blackboard technology for online small groups, large group discussion boards, and private online journals. Small groups with specific questions were developed to complete an audit of a community agency administration research project, large group discussion boards were structured to critically evaluate case studies and provide multiple views of the same case, and private journals were established to promote student self-reflection on personal interaction in the workplace or field site. Creating a successful online learning environment and discussion format will be addressed along with linking online activities with face to face class exercises. The result is an approach that pulls together online learning with face to face interaction and requires critical thinking, integration of material, decision making and implementation of the decisions in order to enhance overall learning and application.

Conference Name

North American Christians in Social Work Annual Conference

Conference Location

Atlanta, GA

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