Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants
Effect of Global Expansion on Gravitational Lensing
Physics Department
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Date Range
Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Traditionally it had been thought that the cosmological constant played no role in gravitational lensing, but recently it has been shown that the cosmological constant effectively changes the impact parameter and thus does have an effect on lensing. In this paper, we will examine the effects of a $\Lambda$FRW cosmology on null geodesics via numerical integration of the geodesics of the McVittie metric.
Conference Name
Mid west Relativity Meeting
Conference Location
Milwalkee WI
ScholarWorks Citation
Bolen, Brett; Aghili, Mir Emad; and Bombelli, Luca, "Effect of Global Expansion on Gravitational Lensing" (2014). Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants. 974.