ScholarWorks@GVSU - FTLC Fall Conference on Teaching and Learning: myGVSU Survey: Student Perceptions of the Most Recent University Climate – Understanding the Changing Student

myGVSU Survey: Student Perceptions of the Most Recent University Climate – Understanding the Changing Student

Session Location

Eberhard Center 617 A

Session Start Date and Time

24-8-2011 11:00 AM

Session End Date and Time

24-8-2011 11:30 AM

Session Abstract

The myGVSU Survey (4th climate study at GVSU) was administered in February 2011. This presentation will share select and early findings of student perceptions from the survey. Because students’ perceptions can influence how they learn and approach their overall university experience, faculty participants will reflect on how these findings might impact their teaching and discuss ensuing teaching strategies. Discussion points will be recorded and available electronically to participants by the end of start-up week.

Session Description

The myGVSU Survey (4th climate study at GVSU) was administered in February 2011. Over 7,600 university members participated in the survey including slightly more than 6,000 students, which represents approximately 24% of all GVSU students. The survey was administered by Rankin and Associates of College Station, Pennsylvania, under the direction of Dr. Sue Rankin, a nationally-recognized consultant in university climate studies. Prior to the survey’s launch, Dr. Rankin worked with a committee of nearly 50 university members throughout the summer and fall of 2010 to develop the survey and determine details related to its implementation. Dr. Rankin was also responsible for conducting the initial data analyses and for preparing the report outlining the survey findings. While Dr. Rankin’s results won’t be shared until later in the fall semester, this session will offer a “sneak peek” at some of the findings about students and their perceptions about the university climate as measured by select items from the survey. Pertinent survey items include “The classroom climate is welcoming for students based on their…” (with follow-up categories that include “age”, “country of origin”, “ethnicity”, “gender”, learning disability”, “participation on an athletic team”, “religious/spiritual views”, and “sexual orientation”); “I feel valued by faculty in the classroom”; “I believe the campus climate encourages free and open discussion of difficult topics”; and “I perceive tension in classroom discussions when ____ is discussed” (which uses the same categories mentioned previously). Faculty should find these results particularly salient as they prepare to interact with students in the coming weeks.

This document is currently not available here.


Aug 24th, 11:00 AM Aug 24th, 11:30 AM

myGVSU Survey: Student Perceptions of the Most Recent University Climate – Understanding the Changing Student

Eberhard Center 617 A

The myGVSU Survey (4th climate study at GVSU) was administered in February 2011. This presentation will share select and early findings of student perceptions from the survey. Because students’ perceptions can influence how they learn and approach their overall university experience, faculty participants will reflect on how these findings might impact their teaching and discuss ensuing teaching strategies. Discussion points will be recorded and available electronically to participants by the end of start-up week.