Session 03 - Talkin’ ‘Bout a Revolution: ‘Reacting to the Past’ Games as a Way to Engage Students and Link Your Course Content to the General Education Goals

Session Location

Grand Valley State University, Eberhard Center, EC 414

Session Start Date and Time

21-8-2013 10:45 AM

Session End Date and Time

21-8-2013 11:45 AM

Session Description

Reacting to the Past games are taught at over three hundred colleges and universities, in a wide array of disciplines. Assigned roles in crucial flashpoints in the history of ideas—e.g. Machiavelli’s Florence, the firestorm over Darwin’s “genetic biology” in 1859, India on the eve of independence, or reactions to Title IX in the U.S. in the 1990s—in order to “win,” students must do everything we have always tried to get them to do: read and analyze rich texts, master course content, construct and articulate convincing arguments in writing and in public speaking, participate actively, and collaborate. So that you can get a sense of how this pedagogy might work in your classroom, and what the experience is like for students, during this session you will be immersed in the intellectual, political, and ideological fervor of Revolutionary Paris, in a brief “micro-game” of “Rousseau, Burke, and Revolution in France, 1791.”

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Aug 21st, 10:45 AM Aug 21st, 11:45 AM

Session 03 - Talkin’ ‘Bout a Revolution: ‘Reacting to the Past’ Games as a Way to Engage Students and Link Your Course Content to the General Education Goals

Grand Valley State University, Eberhard Center, EC 414