Session 05 - Engaging Undergraduate Students in Scholarship: Research, Teaching, or Service?

Session Location

Grand Valley State University, Eberhard Center, EC 514

Session Start Date and Time

21-8-2013 2:15 PM

Session End Date and Time

21-8-2013 3:15 PM

Session Description

Like many high impact practices, undergraduate research falls outside of the traditional realm of a faculty member's workload. This session will address institutional support for faculty members mentoring and directing undergraduate scholars. Faculty panel participants provide examples of how to adjust research agendas, class syllabi, and service obligations to support and nurture rising GVSU undergraduate scholars.

Panel: Jennifer Moore, David Stark, Kathleen Underwood, Brad Wallar
Facilitators: Susan Mendoza and Rachel Powers

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Aug 21st, 2:15 PM Aug 21st, 3:15 PM

Session 05 - Engaging Undergraduate Students in Scholarship: Research, Teaching, or Service?

Grand Valley State University, Eberhard Center, EC 514