Start Date
2011 12:00 AM
This presentation demonstrated the use of Excel to help individuals understand how to prepare and analyze lodging industry financial statements. It focused on an Excel-based interactive exercise that requires a user to prepare some key lodging industry statements, calculate ratios, and then analyze what the numbers mean. It is this last element that is the most important part of financial statement analysis – users must think about what a line account value or a ratio is telling them. It is from this focus on listening to what a number says about an operation that the exercise derives its name – LIPS (Lodging Industry Practice Set).
Using Excel to Teach Hospitality Financial Statement Analysis
This presentation demonstrated the use of Excel to help individuals understand how to prepare and analyze lodging industry financial statements. It focused on an Excel-based interactive exercise that requires a user to prepare some key lodging industry statements, calculate ratios, and then analyze what the numbers mean. It is this last element that is the most important part of financial statement analysis – users must think about what a line account value or a ratio is telling them. It is from this focus on listening to what a number says about an operation that the exercise derives its name – LIPS (Lodging Industry Practice Set).