"An Examination of Chronic Absenteeism and the Impacts on Student Succe" by Rachel Pini

Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Education-School Counseling (M.Ed.)

Degree Program

College of Education

First Advisor

Star Zetocha

Second Advisor

Shawn Bultsma

Academic Year



Research shows that students who are chronically absent are less likely to graduate and have poorer academic achievement among other issues. Chronically absent students may struggle with attendance for a variety of reasons, and thus individualized interventions are the most effective when dealing with this issue. School counselors can provide school staff with resources to learn to deal with chronically absent students, to monitor attendance progress, and to form positive relationships with these students in order to improve the school’s climate. This project is a ready-to-use plan for school counselors to share with other educators in order to create a school-wide attendance intervention plan that can be used to monitor individual students’ attendance progress, as well as the progress of chronically absent students as a demographic.
