Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Education-Educational Leadership (M.Ed.)

Degree Program

College of Education

First Advisor

Dr. Richard Geisel

Academic Year



As Ingersoll (2003) reported, between 40% and 50% of teachers will leave the field of education by their fifth year (as cited in Mee & Haverback, 2014). The numerous teachers leaving the profession is costly to a school and negatively affects student outcomes (Young, 2018). Administrators need to be knowledgeable in the most effective ways to keep their teachers the first five years and beyond. This project will train administrators on specific ways to avoid teacher turnover. It will focus on the role of a principal including opportunities for distributed leadership and professional development. The second section will focus on induction programs that are shown to keep teachers longer, with emphasis on mentor programs. The project will also address the issue of teacher burnout. The objective of this project is to lower the attrition rate in the surrounding schools.
