Date Approved
Graduate Degree Type
Degree Name
Education-Higher Education (M.Ed.)
Degree Program
College of Education
First Advisor
Paul Bylsma
Academic Year
Literature has shown that there are many positive practices in supporting community college student-athletes, but the sheer number of positive practices out there can be overwhelming and having a summary of practices could be helpful for academic advisors to properly serve this unique population. This is necessary as research has revealed that the number of academic advisors who feel equipped to support community college student-athletes is low. Community college student-athletes are a unique population, with a diverse variety of needs. This project examines intrusive academic advising, enrollment and eligibility requirements for community college student-athletes, tutorial services and peer academic mentoring. The focus of this project is to provide a learning opportunity for two year college academic advisors with the knowledge and tools they need to support their student-athletes, while promoting and fostering academic success.
ScholarWorks Citation
Glaza, Amanda J., "An Examination of the Importance of Academic Support Programs for Two-Year College Student-Athletes" (2023). Culminating Experience Projects. 261.