"Revising the Team Huddle Process in a Federally Qualified Health Cente" by Donna DeMann

Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Nursing (D.N.P.)

Degree Program

College of Nursing

First Advisor

Joy Turner Washburn

Second Advisor

Barbara Hooper

Academic Year



Abstract Background: Interdisciplinary team collaboration is a component of the patient centered medical home (PCMH) and can be met by completion of a daily team huddle (DTH). Local Problem: A federally qualified health center (FQHC) requested help revising the team huddle process to make it more beneficial for staff and patients. Goal was to improve team cohesion, collaboration, and communication and ultimately improve patient outcomes. Methods: The problem was addressed through revision of the huddle process. Process changes were guided using the actions from an evidence-based huddle framework and implementing additional teamwork strategies. Interventions: This project reconstructed the current huddle by adding more structure and guidelines to improve contributions from staff and added teamwork activities. Implementation occurred over eight weeks. The project was iterative and weekly review of the process occurred with subsequent changes as appropriate. Results: Data was analyzed for improved patient outcomes by obtaining uniform data system (UDS) metric proportions pre and post implementation. No statistical significance was found using Chi-Square analysis. Analysis of secondary measures revealed the most common reason for unsatisfaction of a metric was the provider did not address it. Post-implementation semi-structured interviews were positive, revealing themes of improved team collaboration, patient outcomes, staff satisfaction, and staff communication. Conclusion: This quality improvement (QI) project involving the revision of the DTH was beneficial for this federally qualified health center. A future QI project for this health center should focus on interventions to ensure providers address all required metrics. Keywords: Team huddle, patient outcomes, team collaboration

Available for download on Thursday, April 24, 2025
