Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Education-Higher Education (M.Ed.)

Degree Program

Education Leadership & Counseling

First Advisor

Karyn Rabourn

Academic Year



Queer and trans* students can face many struggles within higher education, including individual and institutional discriminatory practices. Higher education’s housing and residence life can perpetuate a heteronormative environment through gender-segregated residence halls. Research indicates gender-inclusive housing can provide gender-appropriate accommodation for queer and trans* students. However, colleges and universities do not center the voices and experiences of queer and trans* students in creating and assessing gender-inclusive housing, creating additional logistical obstacles to accessing and retaining in housing and residence life. This project aims to mitigate logistical obstacles and struggles faced by queer and trans* students by creating a living-learning community and an advisory board. The living-learning community, called Pride, is designed to meet the needs and lived experiences of queer and trans* students. The advisory board is created to assess the effectiveness of the living-learning community by intentionally centering queer and trans* student voices and experiences.
