"Math Proficiency and The Achievement Gap" by Jamila A. Peterson

Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Education-Educational Leadership (M.Ed.)

Degree Program

Education Leadership & Counseling

First Advisor

Suzanne Richards

Second Advisor

Catherine Meyer-Looze

Third Advisor

Rick Vandermolen

Academic Year



Mathematical proficiency and the achievement gap have been central topics in educational research for decades. Academic experts from all areas have sought resolutions, especially in Michigan, which ranks relatively low in mathematical achievement; however, the problem persists. This project will investigate the history of the achievement gap, specifically in mathematics proficiency, and explore contributing factors and potential research resolutions. Mathematical proficiency is crucial in closing the achievement gap, as it has been a proven indicator of upward mobility. Proficiency not only negatively impacts the non-proficient student, but it also projects the country's economic future.
