"Creating a Partnership Using the Home to School Connection to Implemen" by Sara L. Arthurs

Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Education-Literacy Studies: Reading (M.Ed.)

Degree Program

College of Education

First Advisor


Academic Year



A child’s first place of learning is within the home environment. Research has proven the importance of family involvement in developing children’s early literacy skills. Children have academic success when family members are involved and supportive of development. Early elementary students are expected to enter formal schooling already holding knowledge of foundational literacy skills. The home environment offers children the opportunity to learn and support later literacy success. However, there has been a disconnect between how family and schools partner which has impacted how families engage in their child’s educational experience. Schools and teachers should continue to partner with families to set up, support, and encourage successful home literacy environments. This project explores the background of the home literacy environment, barriers between the school and families, and how to move forward so that early elementary students can further develop early literacy skills at home. This project seeks to implement a year long workshop that allows both teachers and families to learn in a reciprocal, safe environment. Through the workshop, teachers will be able to observe students and families, collect necessary data on parental involvement, learn from family systems, and implement differentiated instruction. The workshop will also benefit parents and family members in learning new strategies, practicing skills, gaining knowledge, and using materials and resources to support their individual learner.

Included in

Education Commons
