"Improving Career Readiness and Employability of College Graduates" by Megan Packer

Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Education-Higher Education (M.Ed.)

Degree Program

College of Education

First Advisor

Karyn Rabourn

Academic Year



Research shows that current college graduates are lacking in skills related to career readiness and employability upon graduation. Due to this, college students are entering the workforce and are landing in jobs that either do not require a college degree or are not the role that they hoped for upon graduation. In relation, career development as a whole is lacking in the college experience. This project will discuss the current state of employability and career readiness of college graduates. It will dive into potential methods and strategies for improving career readiness and career development of college students within higher education settings. This includes but is not limited to solutions within the academic context as well as big picture solutions such as industry advisory boards, the implementation of a career development assessment, and increasing involvement of faculty and employer partners.
