ScholarWorks@GVSU - Graduate Showcase: Education for the Future: Students' Perspectives and Experiences with the Interdisciplinary Community Engagement Pilot Project: Fair Housing 49507

Students' Perspectives and Experiences with the Interdisciplinary Community Engagement Pilot Project: Fair Housing 49507


Hager-Lubbers Exhibition Hall


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to assess the students’ perspectives and experiences with the interdisciplinary community learning pilot project: Fair Housing 49507. The study is important because it will inform the university/community about the opportunities and challenges of implementing interdisciplinary community engagement within the classroom environment. SUBJECTS: 40 undergraduate students enrolled in five courses across five different academic disciplines at GVSU. METHODS AND MATERIALS: An electronic survey administered in March 2014.ANALYSES: The survey asks about each student’s experience participating in the interdisciplinary community engagement pilot project: Fair Housing 49507. Analysis methods include frequencies and cross tabs analysis in SPSS. RESULTS: findings will be reported about students’ attitudes and learning experiences during the pilot. CONCLUSIONS: This study will then provide recommendations for future interdisciplinary community engagement efforts at GVSU.

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Apr 2nd, 3:30 PM

Students' Perspectives and Experiences with the Interdisciplinary Community Engagement Pilot Project: Fair Housing 49507

Hager-Lubbers Exhibition Hall

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to assess the students’ perspectives and experiences with the interdisciplinary community learning pilot project: Fair Housing 49507. The study is important because it will inform the university/community about the opportunities and challenges of implementing interdisciplinary community engagement within the classroom environment. SUBJECTS: 40 undergraduate students enrolled in five courses across five different academic disciplines at GVSU. METHODS AND MATERIALS: An electronic survey administered in March 2014.ANALYSES: The survey asks about each student’s experience participating in the interdisciplinary community engagement pilot project: Fair Housing 49507. Analysis methods include frequencies and cross tabs analysis in SPSS. RESULTS: findings will be reported about students’ attitudes and learning experiences during the pilot. CONCLUSIONS: This study will then provide recommendations for future interdisciplinary community engagement efforts at GVSU.