Key Performance Indicator Development for Warehouse Management Software viad@t


Hager-Lubbers Exhibition Hall


In the industry of intralogistics systems, the constant use and maintenance of a database is required for low-level, system-based tasks, such as tracking the location of inventory units throughout the facility and determining which components of the material flow system need to be active at any given time. It is stipulated that these database transactions can be mined to provide extremely vital information regarding overall facility operation to warehouse managers tasked with maximizing throughput of their respective departments. Thus, Viastore Systems, INC. partnered with Grand Valley State University to design a set of database analytics, known as Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), which would provide a user-friendly performance analysis in different areas of the system. This project researched three different avenues to determine the most valuable KPIs to be integrated into the next revision of the warehouse management software vid@t. A carefully developed screening process was deployed to prepare a list of ten most value adding KPI. Those ten KPI were developed as independent modules and executed over a test data set.

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Apr 10th, 3:30 PM

Key Performance Indicator Development for Warehouse Management Software viad@t

Hager-Lubbers Exhibition Hall

In the industry of intralogistics systems, the constant use and maintenance of a database is required for low-level, system-based tasks, such as tracking the location of inventory units throughout the facility and determining which components of the material flow system need to be active at any given time. It is stipulated that these database transactions can be mined to provide extremely vital information regarding overall facility operation to warehouse managers tasked with maximizing throughput of their respective departments. Thus, Viastore Systems, INC. partnered with Grand Valley State University to design a set of database analytics, known as Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), which would provide a user-friendly performance analysis in different areas of the system. This project researched three different avenues to determine the most valuable KPIs to be integrated into the next revision of the warehouse management software vid@t. A carefully developed screening process was deployed to prepare a list of ten most value adding KPI. Those ten KPI were developed as independent modules and executed over a test data set.