ScholarWorks@GVSU - Graduate Showcase: Education for the Future: An Evaluation of a Breastfeeding Support Program in Barry County, Michigan

An Evaluation of a Breastfeeding Support Program in Barry County, Michigan


Hager-Lubbers Exhibition Hall


PURPOSE: Breastfeeding is an important aspect of post-natal care for both mothers and infants, however, only 1 in 4 women choose to or are able to follow the recommended guidelines for breastfeeding. The purpose of this project is to determine 2018 Barry County Baby Café participant satisfaction and evaluate participants’ breastfeeding behaviors. SUBJECTS: Evaluation participants included women living in Barry County or Eaton County, Michigan who have participated in the Baby Café program located in Hastings, Michigan since its inception in December of 2017. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Data was collected through a Survey Monkey electronic survey utilizing the following recruitment methods: 1) a posting on the Barry County Baby Cafe Facebook page and 2) an email sent to the twenty-one eligible program participants. ANALYSES: Descriptive statistics were conducted for background, satisfaction, and breastfeeding duration variables. Open-ended questions from the electronic survey were qualitatively analyzed through thematic analysis. RESULTS: The satisfaction level of program participants is high. However, changes are recommended in order to more effectively provide assistance to breastfeeding mothers in the community. CONCLUSIONS: Following this evaluation, a summary report and presentation with proposed recommendations will be given to the health department. The Barry-Eaton County Health Department will be able to use this information to make improvements, and possibly expand, the program.

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Apr 15th, 3:30 PM

An Evaluation of a Breastfeeding Support Program in Barry County, Michigan

Hager-Lubbers Exhibition Hall

PURPOSE: Breastfeeding is an important aspect of post-natal care for both mothers and infants, however, only 1 in 4 women choose to or are able to follow the recommended guidelines for breastfeeding. The purpose of this project is to determine 2018 Barry County Baby Café participant satisfaction and evaluate participants’ breastfeeding behaviors. SUBJECTS: Evaluation participants included women living in Barry County or Eaton County, Michigan who have participated in the Baby Café program located in Hastings, Michigan since its inception in December of 2017. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Data was collected through a Survey Monkey electronic survey utilizing the following recruitment methods: 1) a posting on the Barry County Baby Cafe Facebook page and 2) an email sent to the twenty-one eligible program participants. ANALYSES: Descriptive statistics were conducted for background, satisfaction, and breastfeeding duration variables. Open-ended questions from the electronic survey were qualitatively analyzed through thematic analysis. RESULTS: The satisfaction level of program participants is high. However, changes are recommended in order to more effectively provide assistance to breastfeeding mothers in the community. CONCLUSIONS: Following this evaluation, a summary report and presentation with proposed recommendations will be given to the health department. The Barry-Eaton County Health Department will be able to use this information to make improvements, and possibly expand, the program.