The Effects of LRB E3 Ligase Region 2 on Phytochrome Degradation in Arabidopsis Thaliana


Hager-Lubbers Exhibition Hall


PURPOSE: The ability for plants to absorb light through photoreceptors is essential for successful plant development. Phytochromes are important plant photoreceptors that detect and absorb red and far-red light and must function properly for plant survival. The Light Response BTB proteins (LRB) play an important role in properly responding to red light by degrading phytochrome B (PhyB) via the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS). Although there has been a successful investigation into understanding the function of the LRBs, the function of few regions within LRB proteins remains unknown, including Region 2 located on the N-terminal portion of the protein. SUBJECTS: This study is assessing the function of Region 2 by studying the red light response that occurs when Region 2 is genetically mutated in Arabidopsis thaliana. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The mutant gene that lacks Region 2 (LRB-R2D) was created using site directed mutagenesis techniques and transformed into A. thaliana. ANALYSES: The function of the LRB-R2D proteins will be assessed via plant growth, protein localization and PhyB degradation assays in A. thaliana. RESULTS/CONCLUSION PREDICTION: If the function of Region 2 is important for normal red light responses and PhyB degradation, the LRB-R2D plants are expected to grow abnormally when compared to the control plants. Understanding the function of Region 2 will illuminate the relationship between the LRB proteins and phytochromes in red light responses. These findings will enhance our comprehension of light responses and the effects on plant development, which could impact agricultural practices in the future.

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Apr 12th, 3:00 PM

The Effects of LRB E3 Ligase Region 2 on Phytochrome Degradation in Arabidopsis Thaliana

Hager-Lubbers Exhibition Hall

PURPOSE: The ability for plants to absorb light through photoreceptors is essential for successful plant development. Phytochromes are important plant photoreceptors that detect and absorb red and far-red light and must function properly for plant survival. The Light Response BTB proteins (LRB) play an important role in properly responding to red light by degrading phytochrome B (PhyB) via the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS). Although there has been a successful investigation into understanding the function of the LRBs, the function of few regions within LRB proteins remains unknown, including Region 2 located on the N-terminal portion of the protein. SUBJECTS: This study is assessing the function of Region 2 by studying the red light response that occurs when Region 2 is genetically mutated in Arabidopsis thaliana. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The mutant gene that lacks Region 2 (LRB-R2D) was created using site directed mutagenesis techniques and transformed into A. thaliana. ANALYSES: The function of the LRB-R2D proteins will be assessed via plant growth, protein localization and PhyB degradation assays in A. thaliana. RESULTS/CONCLUSION PREDICTION: If the function of Region 2 is important for normal red light responses and PhyB degradation, the LRB-R2D plants are expected to grow abnormally when compared to the control plants. Understanding the function of Region 2 will illuminate the relationship between the LRB proteins and phytochromes in red light responses. These findings will enhance our comprehension of light responses and the effects on plant development, which could impact agricultural practices in the future.