ScholarWorks@GVSU - Graduate Showcase: Education for the Future: Predominantly White Teacher Education Programs’ Are Stifling Black Preservice Students’ Teaching Experience: Now What?

Predominantly White Teacher Education Programs’ Are Stifling Black Preservice Students’ Teaching Experience: Now What?


Hager-Lubbers Exhibition Hall


PURPOSE: In this project I have two goals. My first goal is to highlight the neglect and inequity that Black preservice teachers face in predominantly White teacher education programs. My second goal is to ensure that faculty members in teacher education programs effectively support and prepare Black preservice teachers for long lasting careers in K-12 education. PROCEDURES: Utilizing the Critical Race Theory tenet of Interest Convergence, Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, and Intersectionality, this project will examine how Black preservice teachers benefit from a curriculum that centers Black preservice teachers’ needs and sensibilities rather than practicing a “race neutral” approach to diversity and inclusion that centers White preservice teachers’ needs and sensibilities. My project includes strategies that HBCUs utilize, such as culturally relevant, sustaining, mentorship, and service based pedagogies to help faculty reimagine their curriculum. PROBLEM: Seeking to understand why and how the Black teacher retention rate is declining, existing scholarship theorizes and discusses Black preservice teachers’ experiences in predominantly White teacher education programs as stifling. CONTEXT: While many studies have explored ways to improve Black students' experiences in teacher education, few studies have sought to adapt Historically Black Colleges and Universities’ (HBCU) successful strategies to produce and retain Black teachers.

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Apr 23rd, 3:00 PM

Predominantly White Teacher Education Programs’ Are Stifling Black Preservice Students’ Teaching Experience: Now What?

Hager-Lubbers Exhibition Hall

PURPOSE: In this project I have two goals. My first goal is to highlight the neglect and inequity that Black preservice teachers face in predominantly White teacher education programs. My second goal is to ensure that faculty members in teacher education programs effectively support and prepare Black preservice teachers for long lasting careers in K-12 education. PROCEDURES: Utilizing the Critical Race Theory tenet of Interest Convergence, Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, and Intersectionality, this project will examine how Black preservice teachers benefit from a curriculum that centers Black preservice teachers’ needs and sensibilities rather than practicing a “race neutral” approach to diversity and inclusion that centers White preservice teachers’ needs and sensibilities. My project includes strategies that HBCUs utilize, such as culturally relevant, sustaining, mentorship, and service based pedagogies to help faculty reimagine their curriculum. PROBLEM: Seeking to understand why and how the Black teacher retention rate is declining, existing scholarship theorizes and discusses Black preservice teachers’ experiences in predominantly White teacher education programs as stifling. CONTEXT: While many studies have explored ways to improve Black students' experiences in teacher education, few studies have sought to adapt Historically Black Colleges and Universities’ (HBCU) successful strategies to produce and retain Black teachers.