"John of Salisbury and Equality of Liberal Arts Education" by Abigail E. DeHart


When examining the historical development of society, perhaps the most determining factor is education. During the development of Western education, there is, conceivably, no time more formative to modern views of education than the Middle Ages, for out of it emerged the first universities, and with that, what has contributed largely to today’s concept of general education programs. Of the Middle Ages, the twelfth century was particularly formative to the shaping of education, and has even been called the birthplace of Western pedagogy. One of the best twelfth-century sources we have regarding this time in history is John of Salisbury’s Metalogicon in which he responds to attacks on the liberal arts within the educational system. This article examines this work alongside his social and political thought depicted in his Policraticus to understand John’s conception of educational equality for citizens.

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