"HNR 499-Honors Senior Project" by Lisa Galasso


The focus of this project is a reflection on the anatomical knowledge gained and the personal journey experienced while enrolled in the graduate level course BMS 655, Advanced Human Anatomy. This course was a unique opportunity provided by Grand Valley State University in corroboration with Michigan State University-College of Human Medicine located in downtown Grand Rapids. The BMS 655 course requires students to complete human cadaver prosection protocols of varying difficulty in Michigan State’s anatomy lab. Each protocol is evaluated and given a grade based on completion, preservation of isolated structures, cleanliness, and the student’s knowledge of isolated structures.

Permission was given by Michigan State University-College of Human Medicine to include their protocol documents in this project which is intended to be used for educational purposes only. The human specimens are gifts donated to Michigan State University’s Willed Body Program. All human specimens were handled with the utmost respect.
