


Gretchen Galbraith


This report follows my paternal grandfather, Dennis John Munday’s, ancestral line back to his great grandparents. This research was conducted for my Honors Senior Project and combined my interest in history with primary research. Additionally, this report is accompanied by a visual representation of Dennis’ ancestors in a pedigree chart, a timeline of relevant British and world history events occurring during the course of the pedigree, and a map for the reader to easily locate the important places mentioned in this report.1 This report takes stylistic and formatting elements from both genealogical and social history writing, creating something that does not quite fit in either category. It is written for multiple audiences, those interested in genealogy and family history, those interested in local or social history, and my family. Because of this, the report departs from traditional genealogical and social history writing. For example, the report includes sections of historical context, such as life during World War II, that aim to help place the subjects into the historical context. Additionally, there are times when I speculate, for example when I suggest that Norwood (no. 14) and Harriet (no. 15) Woollett had a fourth child, Dorothy. In traditional genealogical writing I would be required to complete a proof argument in which I would be expected to explain the problem, identify the known resources, present evidence, discus conflicting evidence, and summarize main points and the conclusion.2 However, I currently do not have the resources to complete a proof argument, so for now I explain most speculation or issues in the footnotes. Despite the fact that this project attempts to both blend and depart from genealogical and social history writing, I hope the reader understands my shortcomings, gains an appreciation for the research that was involved, learns something new, and enjoys the story.
