Food Insecurity, College Students, Higher Education, Health Implications
Higher Education | Nursing | Public Health
Increasing collegiate education costs results in students today facing greater financial stress. As a result, students have to make difficult choices of how to allocate their monetary resources. Sometimes, students prioritize educational costs over nutrition and health necessities, impacting an individual’s ability to obtain adequate food resources. The purpose of this project was to explore the prevalence and impact of food insecurity among college students. The project included conducting a literature review yielding 26 pertinent articles from the keywords “food insecurity” and “college students.” Food insecurity affects a student’s physical and mental health, along with negatively impacting their scholastic abilities. This research was used to write a resolution focused on increasing awareness of food insecurity, including ways to implement and promote change relating to the topic. The resolution was then presented at the National Student Nurses Association’s annual convention.
ScholarWorks Citation
Hige, Alison, "Food Insecurity Among College Students" (2019). Honors Projects. 727.