
Dementia, Therapy, SAIDO, Nonpharmacological, Intervention


Geriatrics | Neurosciences


Christine D. Plummer


SAIDO Learning is a cognitive and social intervention developed by the Kumon Institute in 2004 to slow the progress of symptoms in patients diagnosed with dementia. Today, twenty-three nursing facilities nationwide utilize SAIDO Learning. The data in this retrospective study compare the baseline Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) scores to the MMSE scores obtained six months after SAIDO Learning is implemented from patients diagnosed with dementia at Waterford Place in Jenison, Michigan. These scores are reassessed every 6 months as a standard of care. The data was deidentified by the staff of Waterford Place before given to the research team. A paired t-test found p > 0.05, showing a lack of significant change between scores. This was expected as MMSE scores decline with the natural progression of dementia. The MMSE scores decreased by a mean of 0.6 points, a much slower progression when compared to the decrease of 1.7 points in patients with dementia and no interventions (Tan, Libon, Rascovsky, Grossman, & Xie, 2013).
