"The Quality of Life in Assisted Living Facilities in Grand Rapids" by Nina Alpers


Assisted Living, Assisted Living Facilities, Quality of Life, Life Satisfaction


Medicine and Health Sciences


Dr. Roger Gilles


Dr. Sally Pelon


This research study looked at the quality of life of residents in assisted living facilities in Grand Rapids. The purpose of this study is to consider the life satisfaction of residents of assisted living facilities in Grand Rapids and explore the determinants that can make their time spent at assisted living facilities as enjoyable as possible. This study highlighted the voices of the residents in assisted living facilities by doing a qualitative study using an interview-styled approach that asked the residents about a variety of topics, such as routines, feelings, values, personal facts, health status, care provided, relationships, and views on the facility. This data was analyzed by reviewing the transcripts recorded during the interviews, looking for similarities and differences within the data, and organizing the data into categories. Thirteen domains of quality of life were found from the information gathered in this study including the physical environment of ALF, sense of community, communication within and outside the facility, visitation by the outside community, attitude and perception, staff, sense of independence, activities, food, faith, security, memory, and routine. This study emphasizes the key components of quality life in assisted living facilities and establishes areas where improvements can be made.
