Papers from the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Conferences
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The recent research and theorizing in cross-cultural social psychology have raised several interesting and conceptually important issues about the role of autonomy, selfdetermination and freedom of choice in different cultures and regarding the role of these factors in human functioning within various cultural contexts (Ahuvia, 2001; Inghilleri, 1999; Iyengar & DeVoe, 2003; Kagitcibasi, 2003, 2005; Markus & Kitayama, 2003; Miller, 2003; Rychlak, 2003; Schwartz, 2000). The following are among the key questions that have been raised: What is the nature and role of autonomy in the behavior of people from different cultures? Is autonomy’s positive influence only a prerogative of Western cultures built on the ideology of individualism? How does autonomy support relate to the psychological well-being (PWB) of people from different cultures? In this paper, I suggest answers to these questions and provide empirical evidence that support them.
ScholarWorks Citation
Chirkov, V. I. (2008). Culture, personal autonomy and individualism: Their relationships and implications for personal growth and well-being. In G. Zheng, K. Leung, & J. G. Adair (Eds.), Perspectives and progress in contemporary cross-cultural psychology: Proceedings from the 17th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. https://doi.org/10.4087/IFQE7624