Date of Award


Degree Name

Nursing (D.N.P.)


College of Nursing

First Advisor

Karen Burritt Ph.D., RN, FNP-BC

Second Advisor


Third Advisor

Rebecca Davis Ph.D., RN


Introduction: Traumatic hip fracture remains a major cause of disability, decline, and mortality for adults over 65. Gaps remain in the consistency of care and services hip fracture patients receive during hospitalization and post-discharge, leading to adverse outcomes, including MI, surgical site infection, poorly managed pain, and increased mortality. To help address these inconsistencies, the AAOS released updated clinical practice guidelines for management of hip fracture care in the elderly in 2014. These guidelines examine the entire hospitalization process for this population and set forth evidence-based standards to assist with improving outcomes for hip fracture patients.

Objectives: Five of the highest-strength AAOS guidelines were deemed as priority by the parent company of the hospital of interest, because of a desire to move toward system-wide standardization in caring for hip fracture patients. Standardization of hip fracture care across all organizations could help to reduce adverse events, improve patient satisfaction, reduce costs, and decrease length of hospital stay for this population. To prepare for standardization, a local hospital organization where this doctoral project took place was interested in evaluating care currently provided to their hip fracture population. The purpose of this project was to create a quality improvement toolkit to assist the organization in evaluating their current hip fracture care, allowing them to identify and address any current gaps in care this population may experience. On completion, the toolkit was presented to the organization and could be used as a future guide to improve care provided to their hip fracture patients.

Implications: Literature supports evidence-based standards of care all older adult hip fracture patients should receive throughout hospitalization. To provide patients with the best care possible, organizations must routinely examine their care of these patients against best practice and adjust and improve as needed. Doing so may help improve outcomes for this population.

Additional Files

Covell Powerpoint.pdf (1880 kB)
