"Evaluation of a Health System’s Community Targeted Program for Individ" by Phallon LoveLady

Date of Award


Degree Name

Nursing (D.N.P.)


College of Nursing

First Advisor

Jean Barry

Second Advisor

Marie VanderKooi

Third Advisor

Maria Andrea


Introduction: Lack of a program evaluation plan for a community targeted primary prevention program poses a risk for undefined program effectiveness. Conducting a systemic program evaluation helps determine program effectiveness and value. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the process of implementing a program evaluation during a Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) scholarly project.

Objectives: The objectives of this project were to apply a scholarly approach to program evaluation utilizing evidence-based practice tools, demonstrate DNP Essentials and health systems leader competencies, and describe the steps taken during the process.

Methods: The CDC Framework for Program Evaluation (2011) was the design used for this project. The setting was a department within a West Michigan health system. The sample would have been on <60 African American participants. Analysis of the participants was incomplete due to limitations within the organization.

Results: Implementing the evaluation framework in this department drove program focus and redesign for this program and others within the department.

Conclusions: Following the systemic process and implementing an evidence-based program evaluation tool into practice that affected change at a systemic level within a large West Michigan health system.

Implications: Practice changes should include an evaluation plan at the beginning of program conception or implemented as soon as possible to confirm program effectiveness or the need for restructure and/or redesign.

Additional Files

Evaluation of a Primary Prevention Program PowerPoint.pptx (8797 kB)
Evaluation of a Primary Prevention Program PowerPoint

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