"Evaluation of a Simulation-Based Nurse Residency Program" by Cheri A. Van Wyngarden

Date of Award


Degree Name

Nursing (D.N.P.)


College of Nursing

First Advisor

Marie VanderKooi

Second Advisor

Deborah R. Bambini

Third Advisor

Linda Dunmore


Upon completion of nursing school, new graduate nurses sit for licensure examination to demonstrate the minimal knowledge necessary to practice safely as an entry level nurse. Despite satisfactory completion of this examination, many new graduate nurses lack the competency and confidence to safely practice (Jung, Lee, Kang, & Kim, 2016 & Liaw, Palham, Chan, Wong & Lim, 2014). Traditional models of preceptorship with orientation are not adequately preparing new graduate nurses for practice. Nurse residency programs narrow the gap between demonstrated knowledge and competent practice. Varying types of nurse residency programs have successfully replaced traditional nursing orientation methods across the nation (Letourneau & Fater, 2015). The purpose of this project was to evaluate the pilot simulation-based nurse residency program compared to the traditional nursing orientation model using evidenced based methodology to determine how well the simulation-based nurse residency program is working and identify areas for improvement and sustainability. Evaluation was based on collection of data and evidence through Likert-style surveys and review of documents related to planning and implementation of this program. This newly implemented program has not been evaluated. It is expected that although initial data will show no difference in competence, confidence, job satisfaction or retention between new graduate nurses participating in the simulation-based nurse residency program and those in the traditional nursing orientation, over time, statistically significant differences will emerge, and the simulation-based nurse residency program will become the standard of practice.
