"Using Technology-Driven Patient Communication Appointment Reminders to" by Ana Torres

Date of Award


Degree Name

Nursing (D.N.P.)


College of Nursing

First Advisor

Tricia Thomas PhD, RN

Second Advisor

Karen Burritt PhD, RN,

Third Advisor

David Jasperse MD


Background: Process of meeting Uniform Data System (UDS) measures in a west Michigan Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) has several components with different team members sharing responsibility in the process and workflow to document preventative screenings. An evidence-based technology-enhanced patient communication intervention was developed to meet benchmarks for the FQHCs UDS reporting metrics. The purpose of this quality improvement project was to answer the clinical question: Will technology-enhanced communication appointment reminders using automated telephone communication increase rates of screening follow-up visits to improve data reported to UDS at a west Michigan FQHC organization?

Objectives: Increase percentage of screening visits after the implementation of technologydriven patient communication appointment reminders to meet UDS metrics for the FQHC organization.

Methods: The design for this evidenced-based quality improvement initiative was translation of evidence into practice. Use of quality and process improvement tools facilitated discussion and workflow redesign.

Setting: The setting for this project was a FQHC clinic in west Michigan. The outcomes were measured using manual data collection.

Results: Twenty-seven (n=27) automated phone call reminders were successfully arranged and delivered. Through the generation of automated phone call reminders 44% of patients scheduled appointments (n=12) and 56% of patients did not (n=15). Of the twelve who have scheduled, 8 (66.7%) have completed the appointment, 4 (33.3%) have not.

Conclusions: Technology-enhanced patient communication workflow process workflow and activation of existing in the EMR functionality to increase rates of screening follow up visits in efforts to improve data reported to UDS were effective in setting an appointment 44% of the time and execution of the visit occurred in one third (33%) of those patients.

Clinical Implications: While appointment setting and return visits occurred in less than half of the patients, the technology-driven automated phone calls did demonstrate an improvement in appointments set and completed. Therefore, technology-enhanced patient communication workflow process should be expanded to remaining clinical teams.

Additional Files

A. Torres PP.pdf (24656 kB)
