
Author Biographies

Lindsay Jeffers is a former high-school English and Spanish teacher with a Ph.D. in English Education. She works with the Third Coast Writing Project at Western Michigan University and teaches composition at Grand Valley State University.


This article questions the continued reliance on traditional approaches to the teaching of grammar, particularly the memorization of parts of speech and grammar rules. Years of studies show that grammar instruction out of the context of writing is detrimental to students. Despite much progress toward student-centered instruction, traditional methods of teaching grammar are still a cornerstone of writing instruction in many English classes. The article suggests more effective, student-centered approaches that focus on students developing as writers and readers. Through modeling and inquiry, students focus on writing as a craft and make choices as writers. It’s essential that research about effective instruction in grammar and writing be available to students, parents, teachers, and administrators if we hope to break free of approaches proved ineffective long ago.

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