"Writing on Demand in the C3WP: Preparing for the Pop-Up Parlor" by Kelly J. Sassi and Hannah Stevens

Author Biographies

Kelly Sassi is Associate Professor of English and Education at North Dakota State University and Director of the Red River Valley Writing Project. She serves on the leadership team for the College, Career, and Community Writers Program and has co-authored three books about writing on demand.

Hannah Stevens is a graduate student at North Dakota State University. She teaches first year writing at the college level and has presented on the ethics and praxis of grading contracts in the writing program.


The Writing on Demand Unit is an important part of the College, Career, and Community Writers Program. In this article, we review the literature on C3WP; contextualize the writing on demand unit in relation to the other instructional resources in C3WP; explore five big ideas about writing on demand; and describe an approach to teaching this unit that includes some preliminary results of teaching this unit in a rural, Native American high school. The five big ideas that inform its use are the following: 1) emotions matter, 2) everyone does it, so provide reasons for writing on demand, 3) time is important, 4) reading on demand is a part of writing on demand, and 5) transfer is key. Furthermore, we believe that this unit can potentially improve access and equity in education and that C3WP provides a foundation for the Framework for Success in Postsecondary Education.

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