
Author Biographies

Margaret Saelens teaches middle school social studies in Renton, WA. She is a graduate student at Northern Michigan University.

Brian Larsen works for Menominee Area Public Schools as a special education teacher at Central Elementary School. He has a Master's Degree in Learning Disabilities from Northern Michigan University.


Young adult literature focuses on teenage main characters, telling the stories of their relationships, situations, challenges, and beliefs as they transition from children to adults. One main component in young adult literature is resilience. Resilience is the ability to adapt to difficult or challenging life experiences. The characters in young adult literature come from diverse backgrounds, and are all engaged in different human dilemmas. Young Adults will enjoy reading Life As We Knew It, The Poet X, Copper Sun, and Unwind, which all include characters who show their resilience in many different ways. These books span multiple genres, from poetry, to historical fiction, to science fiction and dystopia. The stories center around a teenager main character who is facing major challenges. The stories focus on the resilience the characters need in order to find resources to help the others around them, as well as find a way to take control of the situation in order to help themselves. Resilience plays a key role in how the main characters are able to find the power to influence or change the situation presented to them in order to survive. All four of these books showcase the importance resiliency has in everyone’s daily lives, and how being resilient can help someone change the course of their lives for the better.

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