"Collecting the Encyclopédie: An Annotated Bibliography of English Sour" by Ian Curtis

First Advisor

Amber Dierking


In the research process, the actual searching for information often takes longer than anticipated and, especially for research with deadlines, encroaches on valuable time for reading and analysis. This collection of sources on the French Encyclopédie serves to reduce the amount of time spent on finding resources, allowing scholars to focus on individual research needs. Within this searchable annotated bibliography are select English sources that are all available online; however, many can also be found in print journals and books. While containing a variety of topics and authors, significant subject areas are digital humanities, censorship, plagiarism, and authorship and notable scholars include Frank A. Kafker, Richard Schwab, and Arthur Wilson. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list but aims to guide students and scholars alike to sources fitted for their specific interests. It is the first step in an ongoing project to collect and annotate all sources on the Encyclopédie.


french encyclopédie, bibliography, diderot, d’alembert, jaucourt


French and Francophone Language and Literature | Library and Information Science

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