
feedback, Thanks for the Feedback, professional development, interpersonal communication, conflict, communication, organizational change


Library and Information Science


The Thanks for the Feedback Task Force was empaneled to build a libraries-wide professional development experience including learning circles and workshops for formative colleague feedback and constructive handling of ‘conflict’ using the book Thanks for the Feedback by Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen as a guiding text for Summer 2018. Three goals were 1. Develop shared vocabulary on receiving (and giving) feedback. 2. Identify strategies and customize scripts for navigating conversations. 3. Create a tool kit on giving and receiving feedback.


Based on our experience with these presentations, an article was written and published in the journal, In The Library With The Lead Pipe.

Types of Feedback.pdf (408 kB)
Types of Feedback PowerPoint

Navigating the Conversation.pptx (1477 kB)
Navigating the Conversation PowerPoint

Ways of Knowing Workshop.pptx (2498 kB)
Ways of Knowing PowerPoint

Thanks for Feedback Memo, May 21 2018.docx (20 kB)
Thanks for the Feedback Memo
