"University Libraries Equity & Inclusion Committee White Paper" by Janelle Yahne, Samantha Minnis et al.


By Fall 2017, ULEIC, and the task force before it, had been successful in bringing training opportunities to the attention of Libraries faculty and staff. However, the committee was struggling with defining its scope in relation to the work of Faculty Development and Support Committee (FDSC) and Department Heads. Collaborating with the Dean, it was decided to move forward with a co-creation facilitation, which would engage all members of ULEIC, to define:

  • The vision/purpose for the committee
  • It's relationships and partnerships with other library and campus groups
  • The desired outcomes
  • A new charge
  • A workplan

This report summarizes the findings of the group's inquiry, which included reviews of the group’s history, campus resources, definitions, values, future and scope; a review of inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility work at peer and aspirational peer institutions; and a review of internal library partners. It includes the recommendations for moving forward, near future next steps, and opportunities and challenges to consider as we progress.


Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, IDEA, committee


Higher Education | Library and Information Science

Document Type

